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How to Get More Facebook Likes for Your Fan Pages

APP: Facebook fan page like counter 
Fun Like Ticker can synchronize Likes of your Facebook fan pages like at store or event to physically interact with your customers.

Are you working hard at social marketing via Facebook pages? Check out this incredibly easy way of integrating virtual FB page likes with physical promoting activities.

Your result of marketing operation can be shown immediately on the display, including mobile phone/Pad/TV(TV support 42" 55" 65" inch just for HDMI output) at the same time.

When you have a store and event, Fun Like Ticker can interact with your customers more easily and sooner.

Free trial is available when you have few than 9,999 fans per page. (If you have more fans, we can customer your app) Three free functions are included in free trial:

1. QRCode scanner: Let customers link to your FB pages more easily.

2. Real-time visual welcome image and audio applause feedback: Encouraging customers LIKE your FB page and receive lots of surprise! 

3. modify your FB name

Integrate your physical store social network solution.
Customized design includes: 
1. press like sound 
2. fans number support 
3. backgroud 
4. Logo 
5. QRCode 
6. Auto Login 
7. Welcome Message
8. Fan Pages Name
If you want to have your own style Fun Like Ticker, Please contact with us.

E-Mail: edward.shih@bluesign.com.tw 

Skype: chuanchan

Web site: www.bluesign.com.tw

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