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hacked by chocho bitam

hacked by chocho bitam

hacked by chocho bitam

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<title>Hacked By chocho bitam ISPA</title>
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<div><h1><font color="Red">Hacked By chocho bitam ISPA & Révolution courrier armée algérienne</font> <br> <font color="Green">Hackers Of Syrian Revolution</font></h1></div>
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<div><h3><font color="Black">In besiged Aleepo there is nothing but smell of death and sound of guns and explosions which fall on civilians; and Russian warplane which
bombing the civ.in all kindof weapons. The Syrian government begun executions and bombing everywhere and excute all the medical team in besiged Aleepo 
In Aleepo, thre is difficultness to describe the life there.In Aleppo the death is preferably on staying in government prisons. All peoples are afraid, they did not ask 
about anything unless safe exit from fired city. The war did not distinguished between man or wome elder or young mosque or church animals or planet.every things 
burns without any exceptions.Indeed, our need to definitife solution is increased to the max. there is more than 100,000 civilan trapped in very
narrow area waiting nothing. Aleppo exterminated with global silence. If we did not move and make something the history will curse us 
God save Aleppo and Syria</font> <br><h3>
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<marquee bgcolor="#FFFFFF" behavior="alternate" direction="right">We Are :   chocho bitam - Elburkan - Alqese - MR.AYOUB - JoOKer - Qorsan Dr3aa - Haarp Man - Moh Asakra - 3vil 3xploit - team ISPA</marquee>
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